Sahib also offers farm tours at other times by appointment.
If you would like a personal tour of Sahib’s Aquaponics Research Farm during regular business hours (Monday – Friday) or a weekend day, there is a base charge of $50.00 for the first guest and $30.00 for each additional person. Sahib unfortunately has to charge such fees during regular business hours or weekends as he does have other business interests to attend.
Please complete the form below for the Monthly Farm Tour and e-mail it as soon as possible. We will send you a confirmation of your reservation and time allocated along with directions to Sahib’s Aquaponics research Farm. If you are interested in a private tour, please complete the registration form below. Once payment has been processed, we will contact you as to a choice of our next available dates and times.
Please complete a registration form for each person in the group and e-mail to us. This will ensure that we can schedule your visit so as to accommodate your whole group in one tour.
Personal Farm Tours…please complete your registration here: