2011 Florida Aquaponics Spring Tour- Sahib’s Aquaponic Garden-Display
Still WIP…Phase II. Will probably be included in next tour
Thank you everyone for taking part in the 2011 Florida Aquaponics Spring Tour.
Thank you everyone for taking part in the 2011 Florida Aquaponics Spring Tour.
We share some with friends & family, give some to the less fortunate and non-profit organizations, sell a few and if there are any spare, the Tilapia & Koi love them as a treat. If you are around, you are welcome to share your honest labor with us…in return we promise you therapy for your body & mind and some plants for your you to enjoy 🙂
About 200 Koi fingerlings (2 to 4 inches) in 800 gallon tank, 100 small Tilapia in a 250 gal tank and 100 small Catfish in another 250 gal tank 🙂
Will remove to other tanks when they get bigger
My first video share…Yes I will slow down the movement when recording so no sudden movements.
There were 4 tours scheduled for Friday Sept. 16th. 2011, one at 9.00am, one at 10.30am, one at 1.00 and last at 2.30pm. We actually ended up giving 7 tours as a number of Aquapon visitors arrived either much earlier than scheduled or after the tour was almost over…either lost their way, late flight arrival or other tour took longer. We tried to accommodate them all.
We were humbled at having numerous Aquapon Gurus and mentors visit our small Aquaponic Research Farm. Thank you -)